Next Generation ORM - Prisma

Next Generation ORM - Prisma

Embrace the Future of ORM Development

  • What is Prisma?

Prisma is a next-generation, open-source database toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for building and managing modern web applications. It provides a set of tools and libraries that make it easier to work with databases, allowing developers to interact with databases using a more intuitive and efficient API

it can be configured with any database e.g MYSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3

it also provides a powerful Prisma Studio, with the help of a tabular interface you can check your data from local databases or app is working and connected or not

prisma studio

you can also take advantage of studio features-

  • performing CRUD operations eg. adding, modifying and deleting the data from table records

  • viewing your data by filtering, sorting or paginating options

  • How to install Prisma?

prerequisites -

- you should have installed Nodejs v16.13.0 or higher
- database- PostgreSQL

  • setting up project

in the first step, we will be creating a directory and navigate to it
open your terminal and go to Desktop

next, install Prisma cli as a development dependency

now define your database provider in our project you can choose any Database as per your choice

the first method is using data source as the database name
for example -

 $ prisma init --datasource-provider mysql

in the second method, we will add a database URL eg.

 $ prisma init --url mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/mydb

you choose as per your convenience we are going with 1st method using data source provider

given command creates a prisma folder which contains the file name as schema.prisma also creates a .env file and sets your env variable in it with the name DATABASE_URL

if you are not seeing the .env file then copy it from below

# Environment variables declared in this file are automatically made available to Prisma.
# See the documentation for more detail:

# Prisma supports the native connection string format for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MongoDB and CockroachDB.
# See the documentation for all the connection string options:


update your Database name, port, username and password from.env
some times people forgot their password so please make sure that your connection URL is working properly

  • modeling your schema

add the following models in prisma/schem.prisma

model User {
  id    Int     @id @default(autoincrement())
  email String  @unique
  name  String?
  posts Post[]

model Post {
  id        Int     @id @default(autoincrement())
  title     String
  content   String?
  published Boolean @default(false)
  author    User    @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
  authorId  Int

At this moment you have schema but not database let's make it through migrate command

 $ npx prisma migrate dev --name init

you will get this below output

above migration command creates migrations folder inside of the Prisma folder

now you have successfully created databases and tables as per the mentioned schema let's verify this through Prisma studio

$ npx prisma studio

the command will redirect you to this URL : http://localhost:5555/

if you are seeing the below interface then Big Congratulations you have made it